Polar Opposite


“I’ve fallen in love” a phrase as popular as love itself. Why does one “fall” in love? Love, in all its vast forms (towards people, animals, activities, etc), will elevate you. It should not only bring out the best in you, but make you strive to be better than who you thought you were and what you thought you were capable of doing.

Love is not destructive. Love is a state of perfection. We must use it as a means to rise and construct the best version of ourselves. Love. ❤️

Ever lasting garden


It’s always nice to get flowers (I’m a sucker for flowers!) but after a few days the flowers fade away. What’s better is to nourish your own garden.

The garden is like our life. Instead of waiting for someone else to bring happiness into your life take action and plant the seed of happiness within yourself. Nourish it with love, good food, exercise and water. Soon, flowers will blossom and they will continue to blossom as long as you provide a good environment for it to grow.

Take action and plant your seeds today – watch and see the flowers blossom! 🌷💐🌸



It’s true – everyone you encounter will have an opinion of you. You’ll either be too little or too much of something to someone. Regardless of how much you try to adapt to the needs of others they will always find fault.

Be kind, be genuine, simply be yourself and love yourself. The right people will be by your side while the rest can move to the sidelines.

Happy Sunday! 💕